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What are the Christian beliefs of the

At the, we strongly hold to the faith which is common to all believers (Titus 1.4, Jude 3). For more details, please click here to visit "Our Belief" page.

Related to gender and to marriage:

While giving the honor and dignity due to everyone created in God's image, the holds to the truth we believe is clearly conveyed in the Bible, that God created only male and female (Genesis 1:27; Mark 10:6; Matthew 19:4), that marriage, as defined by the Bible, is between a man and a woman (Ephesians 5:25, and that it should be held in honor by all (Hebrews 13:4). We hold to this truth in love (Ephesians 4:15a; Philippians 1:9), with no malice of any kind toward anyone who choses to believe differently (John 3:16; 1 Timothy 2:4).

Who is is a group of Christian parents, educators, and others from all over the world, who believe there is a great need, now more than ever, to produce clear, healthy, age-appropriate, and Bible-based material for children and families. Our goal is to foster a proper humanity, a high standard of character, and a clear presentation of the fundamental truths of the Bible, conveyed in an age-appropriate level that children can understand and appreciate.

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